The 5 Dos & Don’ts Of Perfecting Your Short Game
With golf courses around the UK due to open again from the end of the month, it’s time to get back in the swing of things and get your golf game back on track.
The last thing you should want, after all, is to come out from months of lockdown solitude to find that your golfing prowess has dwindled. You’ll want to start as you mean to go on and ensure your return to the green is as rewarding as possible.
So, with this in mind, we thought we’d run through some of the key things you should and shouldn’t do when trying to perfect your short game at home – from nailing your body position to getting the right grip.
Do: Soften Your Hands
One of the most common mistakes golfers make is having too tight a grip when trying to chip. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to control the shot since it can add an unnecessary strain to the flow of your swing.
To prevent this from happening, you need to keep your hands soft, easing the tension in your arms and wrists.
Then, keeping your chin high and back straight, you should notice how much more rotation you’ll be able to get on your swing when making contact with the ball.
Don’t: Forget About Your Left/Right Arm
Depending on whether you are left or right-handed, it’s important not to forget about your other arm – especially when it comes to chipping and pitching.
With chipping, in particular, much of your control will come from your weaker arm.
Therefore, when hitting the back of the ball with the centre of your club, allow your weaker arm to control the movement, letting it lead the way through your backswing to making contact with the ball.
Do: Allow Your Body To Rotate
While on the topic of chipping, rotating your body forwards is key to connecting with the ball as solidly as possible.
To do this most effectively, start by swinging the clubhead back before kicking one knee towards the other as a trigger for your downswing.
This, in turn, should take the weight off one side of your body, allowing your body to rotate more smoothly through the swing.
Don’t: Swing Too Fast
While you may need a lot of speed and power off the tee, it’s an entirely different story when it comes to your short game.
Put simply, the harder or faster you come at the ball, the more difficult it will be to control it effectively.
Therefore, when approaching your swing, try not to overthink it. Relax your stance, grip and take a deep breath as you follow through with your backswing utilising a gentle acceleration rather than a rushed approach.
Do: Utilise The Bounce
It’s all well and good having the perfect swing but if you don’t account for the bounce your ball could end up moving a lot further away from the hole than planned.
So, to prevent this from happening to you, make sure you utilise the bounce when working on your chip shots, taking advantage of the natural bounce you’d expect when the ball hits the green.
Likewise, keep your hands in line with – or slightly behind – the clubhead when making contact with the ball. Otherwise, you could increase the risk of the club getting stuck in the grass and your ball flying off in the wrong direction.
From golf simulator systems to putting mats, our team here at Golf Swing Systems offer a wide range of equipment to help improve your short game while at home. For further advice or assistance on the products we have available, simply get in touch with us today.